Bertha Mason, the original Mrs. Rochester, has not been treated well – not by her husband, and not by the Charlotte Brontë either.
Bertha has been held in confinement, and kept a secret from the world. It’s an all-to-common role for marginalized characters: to suffer as a plot point in someone else’s story. This song comes near the end of the show, as Bertha takes her revenge. Meanwhile, the third-person narration of the lyrics (from a Butler in the book) reaches the heights of gothic horror.
It’s the final song on the album, but the stage adaptation has to deal with the wreckage. Bertha destroys more than just Thornfield Hall, she throws the entire narrative into question. You’ll have to come see how it all plays out!
This is one of three ‘singles’ from Jane/Eyre: No Net Ensnares Me – our full-length original score based on the book, and underscoring the Grapefruit Lab adaptation.
You can also listen to our singles on Spotify, Apple Music, or anywhere else you stream sounds. Pre-order the album on vinyl, and then come enjoy the show – opening January 17!