I’m Not Ready To Go Yet

Another demo: this one features Daniel Rule on the second guitar & vocals. Daniel has started playing with us regularly these days — we’re excited to have him in the band!

I’m Not Ready To Go Yet is our follow-up to the earlier Suicide Note.

Hear studio recording of this track on our debut EP: The Holes They Leave

16 ‘music’


Resurgam (Helen’s Theme)

| Single

This is a major turning point for Jane’s journey – and the first of several relationships that define Jane’s coming of age.



EP Release Party @ Hi Dive

| album | Denver, CO

In the summer of 2015, we released our debut EP in conjunction with Riding SideSaddle* and a tour across the midwest.


I’m Not Ready To Go Yet

| demo

Queen City Magnetic @ Raven Jane

| album

Not our album, but we did write a few of the songs…



Iron City @ Raven Jane

| album

For a few years, Teacup Gorilla performed & recorded music with Rachel Eisenstat – initially as Iron City, and later as Raven Jane.